Tea Tales: all the tea news you can handle 22/03


Bacardi, the rum folks, have just launched a light-green alcohol made from green tea leaves, called “Tang”. Currently only available in China, they’re banking on it reversing some kind of downward sales spiral, whereas me? I’m curious whether any of the health benefits of green tea still exist in this form… I mean, healthy, green alcohol? SIGN ME UP.

In not quite so awesome tea-related news, PG Tips, one of the UK’s biggest tea brands has – SHOCK HORROR – reduced the amount of tea in its tea bags. The Guardian tells me “the nation’s favourite brand of tea, PG Tips, has quietly reduced the weight in its much vaunted pyramid-shaped bags by 0.2g, while keeping the price exactly the same.”

It’s just like the Cadbury debacle all over again isn’t it?

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